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How to connect the app to Patreon

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You have two ways to connect your Steam profile with your Patreon account: using the web app or using the mobile app.

Use the web app

  • After logged in, click on your profile button and click on “Connect with Patreon”:

  • Login into your Patreon account and then authorize Trucky to access your Patreon profile information, clicking on “Allow”:

  • If you are a Patron already, you should see this message:

  • If you receive the message “You are not a Patron”, it’s why Patreon didn’t notify yet your Patronage to Trucky, so please wait a bit, likely one hour max.
  • Now, your Steam profile and Patreon account are linked together. If you are using the Overlay, restart the Overlay app closing the Desktop Window. If you are using the mobile app too, restart it killing the app from the operating system task manager.

Use the mobile app

  • Go to settings screen
  • Tap on “Connect with Patreon”

  • Insert your Patreon credentials and allow Trucky to access your Patreon data

  • Wait for connection confirmation
  • You should see this

Now, Patreon is connected to the app and your Steam account, and if you have subscribed to a Tier Fan or Angel, you have access to Trucky’s premium features.

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