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How to export Support Logs

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New Standalone App

  • Open the Tray Icon

  • Right click on the Trucky’s icon and the Export Support Logs

  • It will open automatically a File Explorer window with the zip pre-selected

  • Drag and Drop or Copy & Paste the zip in Discord


Or from the Desktop Window, head over the top bar, Interrogative point icon, then Export Support Logs


Old Overwolf App

Text Tutorial

After you opened a ticket in our Discord server, better thing to do is attach immediately your Support Logs exported directly from the overlay

  • Close the game if it’s open
  • Open the overlay from the desktop icon or from the Overwolf dock or from Overwolf contextual menu in icons bar (bottom right of your applications bar on Windows)

  • Click on “Export Support Logs” from the top bar “?” icon


  • A Windows explorer window will open, selecting the zip just created

  • Send it on Discord
    • Take the file by left-clicking on it and dragging it

    • Hover it above Discord icon in the task bar

    • Put it in Discord and stop left-clicking

    • Press Enter or Send
    • You have now perfectly sent your support log!


GIF Tutorial

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