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Manage Members

From the members panel, we can do multiple actions with our drivers. If you want to kick a member, click on and to get information, assign a role to your driver click on You will also be able to manage these roles and the applications you will receive

Driver information


As we can see here, you can open a drop-down menu with different roles you’ve created for your drivers, assign them and click There’s also Member Awards, Monthly Stats and last jobs your driver has done.


Manage roles




To create a role, simply click on You can also edit a role , or delete it .


Creating a role, or editing is quite intuitive, you specify its name, order on the role hierarchy, colour, salary and then permissions.


Manage applications

In this panel, there will be 3 states:

  • drivers you have accepted previously

  • drivers you have declined previously

  • someone is waiting for your decision, you can choose between accepting or rejecting

Other information such as the recruiter, the message, and the date are available.


Table of Contents

Enquire now

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.