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Helping maintaing Trucky as free application, you will get rid of ads, unlock special premium features and have accesso to exclusive and preview content!
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$1 $11
per monthper year (10% discount)
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$5 $54
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$3 $32
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Place on Patrons Wall of FamePlace on Patrons Wall of Fame
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Frequently asked questions

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the more common ones.

1. Is Trucky a free app?

Yes, Trucky is a free app and always will be.

2. Why there are Ads?

Trucky relies on remote infrastructure and infrastructure (servers, connections, …) are not free and need to be paid. So there are recurrent costs and Ads help us to keep it free.

3. Developers are paid?

No, any developers on the Trucky Tech Team is paid, nor any member of Discord Staff. All the work behind Trucky is offered for free from community members.

4. For what my money will be used?

Revenues from subscriptions are used to pay the infrastructure and, when we spare some cents, Trucky will donate it to Charity Organizations over the world.

Moreover, some money could be used to fund public giveaways via our social channels or via Ambassadors.