The New Trucky is here!

Hello, this is dowmeister.
First, a bit of backstory
The project to rewrite Trucky as a standalone application began, practically, a year ago.
The first step was to duplicate the same functionality not strictly related to the game, such as the VTC Hub frontend into a real site available in a browser, installable as an app, and fully responsive.
In this way, rewriting the new Trucky would be “lighter.”
The second step was to separate the Mods Manager from Trucky by giving it its own space being a site completely detached from Trucky while still remaining within the platform.
Download Trucky Standalone now
In January 2024, the rewrite began first of the Mods Manager and then of Trucky, a long, sometimes difficult project, there were some little problems and some difficulties. Overwolf offered a fully integrated framework and I had to totally rewrite some features to fit the new client.
It took almost 3 months, very intense, it was a very long time, sometimes I thought I would not get to the end, then we started a series of internal tests and when I saw that everything was working well, I was very relieved.
Then we opened the test first to a small group of key users, then to Angel Patrons and again to all Patrons. I have to be honest: out of almost 2000 Patrons, only about 400 installed the new version, I was a little disappointed, but maybe it is just a problem of communication, of reaching everyone with the right information.
In any case, the test went very well, almost beyond my expectations.
It was clear right away that one of the biggest benefits of the new version is the performance of the game: no more FPS drop, no more much RAM consumed, CPU at acceptable levels.
Some examples: Trucky, with Game Overlays enabled, runs roughly between 8 and 12 percent CPU and at most 400-500mb of RAM. Without in-game overlays, less than 1% CPU and 100mb RAM.
A very important step that will allow many new users to be able to use Trucky without affecting their system or game performance.
Download Trucky Standalone now
Now the application has been tested for two months by nearly 400 users, reporting no particular blocking bugs; the “strange” situations have been gradually resolved.
Some antiviruses may report the new Trucky as dangerous: each version is submitted to VirusTotal, and in the first few weeks of testing with the Patrons, I sent each new version to Microsoft, McAfee, and Kaspersky control to make sure they began to like the new application.
At this point, it’s do or die.
As scared as I am to release a completely new application to such a large number of users, it is a necessary step in the evolution of Trucky.
The old client will still work, probably for a couple of months, partly because there is a missing feature in the new Trucky that will be implemented back in future, but it will take some time: the replay recording.
Up to you if you want to use the new or the old one, for a while. Then, there will be only the new one.
Now Trucky can work without Overwolf, works on Linux and soon will be available also on Apple.
What’s really new?
Everything but is still all the same 🙂
There are quite new features there and there, they will be covered soon in other dedicated blog posts but, in short:
- In-Game Overlay: now can show the current tracked job id, the current tracked distanced and the current fuel economy. There is also a new nice rolling and graphical odometer
- The In-Game overlay can go on two or multiple rows, permitting to arrange game information in the horizontal window
- The top bar has been removed – maybe it will come back but in a better shape – there is only in-game overlay now
- Dispatcher: the Dispatch to Company feature has been rewritten totally: now, after you create a personal jobs or a group of personal jobs, the same jobs can be dispatched to the company, choosing if the job will expire and when, or if can be assigned to a selected member and if the job must be claimed. When a Dispatched just has been claimed, no other member can take the same job from the Company Dispatches. This new system put the foundation for other cool features related to Company Dispatches.
- The VTC Hub, the big part of it, now is available only from the Trucky Hub website
- As stated upon, Game Recording and Automatic Replays are not available, yet
Ready for the future?
Download Trucky Standalone now
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