Feature Preview: New Visual Themes

The latest version of Trucky introduces a huge change in the visual configuration of the in-game overlay.


A different way of showing the overlay, small adaptive boxes that encapsulate the information, in a divided and orderly way.
Available with centered or justified configuration (it expands to the entire available space)

Visual (Preview for Angel Patrons)

A completely new visualization, a completely different format: an overlay divided into 5 sections:

Top left main information about the vehicle, bottom right other information related to the vehicle, in the center the gear, license plate or logo, current speed, speed limit and indicators, top right the delivery information, bottom right the navigation information and other indicators that can be activated from the usual settings.

Available in “Modern” format with the same colors used by the game’s graphic interface and a smooth gradient and in “Flat” version, without gradient but more customizable, which responds to the color change by automatically setting various shades of the main color and text color.
Both respond to text size changes.

Game HUD (Preview for Angel Patrons)

A little magic trick, an illusion. An overlay that can completely cover the Route Advisor, it is customizable, the components can be turned on or off from the usual Personalization settings.
But, if we want, it is better than the classic Route Advisor: it is customizable with text colors and sizes and shows Trucky’s recalculated information: the distance in real time, the next rest stop, how many km you can travel with fuel.

The navigation of the internal pages responds to the same hotkeys as the game: F5 for the map, F6 for the job, F7 for damage, F8 for messages and F9 for Convoy Chat.
The job page has been completely overwritten with Trucky’s information, in the messages page we will find the current radio and the song on air instead.

A special mention for the font used: Visual and Game HUD have a fixed font. We did a lot of research online and in the game’s core files trying to find the same or very very similar font and we think we found it: obviously it’s a free font and it has been included as a chooseable font type for the other modes too: it’s Core Sans.

Visual and HUD themes will be remain on Exclusive Preview for a while.

If you need help on how to configure the new themes or simply looking at them, read the KB article featuring some rich and example video or follow our Ambassadors that are streaming them since few days now!


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