Introducing the Desktop Helper

After more than a month of development, the new feature is finally ready to be unveiled!

It will be called Desktop Helper, a new window, available on the desktop, outside the game, but directly connected to the Overlay.

You can choose to have on its second monitor the informative richness of Trucky but in convenient widgets, draggable and resizable, even stackable, to create your favorite layout.

Take a look at the video below

There are some special widgets like the speed and average fuel consumption graph or the TruckersMP chat that works even when in-game chat is disabled (with F9).

It will be available in May.

Follow our ambassadors and their live streams on Twitch to find out more.

What do you think about this announcement? Do you have something to suggest or do you have something to report? Come to our Discord and let’s talk about it!

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