Android release: 2.5.0

Android version released to 2.5.0 with a new feature “Players looking for players

If you are online on TruckersMP and you are searching someone to drive with, probably other people could have the same need. So why don’t meet each other? With this new feature, you’ll send a public message in the cloud, other users could like your message or reply to you “hey! i’m reaching at your position“, you’ll receive a push notfications (if enabled in app settings) if some one liked or reply to your message.

How to use this new feature:

  • In home screen, you’ll find a new button “I’m searching people to drive with
  • Tapping on it you’ll send the public message available to all for 15 minutes, after that time your will expire automatically
  • If someone are searching for other players, a blu button will appear in home screen, tapping it you’ll open the “Looking for players” screen
  • From any position in the app, there is a new icon in the toolbar, that message baloon on the right

And that icons?

The thumb-up icons is obviously a like button, the second one is the main feature button: you can confirm that you are online too and you want to reach the user at his position to drive together, or, maybe, meet new friends!

If the user is online and Trucky can locate it on the map, the location button will be shown with direct access to the Live map pointing to the user.

The garbage button is available only to the message creator to delete it without waiting the normal 15 minutes expiration.

Hope you like this new feature!

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