Android release: 2.7.2 – Traffic alerts

New great feature introduced: Waze-like traffic alerts

This feature is available only when logged on Steam and online on TruckersMP. On the live map screen you will find a new button, that “exclamation warning” triangle, tapping on it, will show the screen below where you can select the related event:

Then traffic alerts will be shown as below

See quick video below:

Alerts are valid for 15 minutes then they disappear from the map.

While driving on TruckersMP ETS2 and ATS and using the “Follow me” feature on Trucky map, you can receive real time traffic alerts sent by other players, see the video below:

Sending alerts is available only on Android while receive the alert during “Follow me” is available also on iOS.

You can close the alert overlay tapping on the X button or using two functional button: “Thanks” on the right and “Not there anymore” on the left.

With this update, while Trucky map is open phone screen is maintained awaken permitting to use it a live navigator.

Furthermore, there some UI tweaks and minor bugfixes, the app receives a new updated splash screen with animated image and the using of the official Trucky font.

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