New Desktop Window

In-Game Overlay new version 2.2.20 brings a new shiny Desktop Window with great UI improvements.

Now the desktop experience is richer and highly useful for players with a complete profile discovery, charts and statistics about driving sessions such as distance driven, jobs completed or cancelled, fuel economy with some drill down.

Also, a new First Time User Experience (FTUE) has been implemented to drive new users into the app usage, starting from Telemetry installation, to main configurations options and then a couple of quick hints how to interact with Overwolf and hotkeys list.

About new Desktop Window and FTUE, there is more yet to come. We are working work closely with Overwolf to improve greatly the app. 

The post game summary and the changelog now are opened in the new desktop window and not on a separated window.

This release introduces also a new way to check installed games, not relying anymore on Overwolf API but reading directly from Steam library files, which should me more affordable and, indeed, the old bug “ATS not detected” should be resolved finally.

What do you think about the new features? Do you have something to suggest or do you have something to report? Come to our Discord and let’s talk about it!

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