Sound Alert for Road Speed Limit

Latest Trucky version introduces a new Premium Feature: automatic sound alert for passing Road Speed Limit

Sound Alert for Road Speed Limit

You can find it under Settings > Customize > Sound Alerts settings

Like the standard Speed Limit sound alert, you can specify a tolerance and a custom sound to be played, for both games, or use the built-in one.

The features triggers only on road speed limit more than 30km\h and with a delivery in progress. It does not trigger in free roaming.

Improvements to -homedir detection

We receive sometimes bug reports about Dispatcher not working because the user is using -homedir parameter to start the game and doesn’t configure it properly the same setting in Trucky.

Now the app can detect the -homedir when launching the game but be aware, the old setting is still needed if you decide to use the Dispatcher with the game closed as there is no way Trucky can know the real home directory used from the game.

Automatic Lights in 1.49

If you are wondering if the Trucky’s Premium feature now is obsolete after the release of a similar one in 1.49, it’s not. The two features works in a different way: the Trucky one, ensure your headlights are always ON no matter what when the engine is started, than the built-in one needs always a bit of manual activation.

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