New feature: Weekly Routes

Do you drive always on the C-D road? Do you like it, really?

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Because it’s crowded? Because you like traffic? Because do you like to get wasted and finish your delivery with 60% damage and loss of money?

Trucky try to solve this and want to give you a way out! With Weekly Routes!

Every Sunday night, Trucky will extract a random route, 500km circa length between two locations on the map, divided for DLC, both for ETS2 and ATS. Maybe you wont find anyone on those routes, maybe will find some traffic. If Trucky users will like this new feature, maybe you might find the right compromise between a good route with the right traffic intensity and a relaxing good trip.

These routes will be valid for the entire week.

Clicking on “Discover all routes” button you will find all the selected routes.

Available on Android by now, will release on iOS soon.

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