Trucky Recap

Hello truckers!
A lot has happened recently, so we’ve decided to condense it all into one easy to digest blog post, welcome to the Trucky Recap!

TruckyBot got a big tick!
TruckyBot became a verified bot on Discord, and now shows off a fancy blue tick for the world to see!
This is an achievement we’re proud of, and we thank Discord for verifying our bot!

Public Trello Board
We also introduced a public Trello board!
We have always counted on the support of our users and the valuable suggestions you have always sent us, especially on Discord.
To make the involvement of the community more total and easier to use, we have opened a public board on Trello.
More info on the Trello board can be found here:
Trello Logo

On a not so positive note, Trucky faced a fairly big issue recently.
On the 7th of May, all Trucky services experienced downtime due to a huge influx of requests made to the Trucky API.
This then had an impact on TruckersMP’s API, leading to a temporary ban from the TruckersMP API.
Over 66,000 requests were made to the Trucky API within a space of 30 minutes.
More info on the downtime here:

Photo Competition
On the 8th of May we announced an exciting opportunity for the media fanatics out there to win some free stuff!
We are holding a photo competition in which there are prizes to be won.
Competition submissions will close on the 21st of May at midnight, so if you want to get involved, you have just one week left to get your photos in!
More info on the Photo Competition here:

Introducing the newest member to the Trucky family, TicketBunny!
You can now request support easier than ever before by clicking one button in our Discord server!
You can create a ticket by clicking the reaction in #help and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
More info on TicketBunny here:

And finally… the new Trucky website!
Say goodbye to the outdated Trucky website, and hello to a brand new modern design, packed with new features!
We have revamped all aspects of the site, from the homepage, to services, and the knowledgebase!

Here’s a list of the changes and new stuff we’ve added!

  • New site-wide design
  • Dedicated space for partners and featured
  • New and improved knowledgebase with new articles
  • New integrator portal
  • New team page
  • Easy to access services list
  • Updated service pages (mobile app, bots, etc)

Trucky has just had a glow up!

And that’s about it!
We’ve got plenty more to come in the next few weeks, so stay tuned to our website, discord and social media!

Stay home, stay safe!
Ollie & the Trucky Team

Enquire now

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.