User’s feedback reception: Suggestions Round #2

The new version is dedicated to developments arising from your suggestions collected over the past months and most voted on.

New data for the Global Market

One of the most frequently asked questions has always been: what is the load that give the most revenue?
With the previous version it was very difficult to tell, we have taken note of this and the column showing the price per km is now very similar to what is shown in the game.
More importantly, you can see how much, more or less, a delivery with that load can fetch for a 500, 1000 or 2000 km job.

How this is calculated?

Considering all jobs delivered from every user, Trucky automatically can predict how much a job will worth: is not a punctual and really affordable because there a lot of parameters involved but knowing the average mass of a transported cargo it’s possible to calculate how much a standard job will give as revenue.

Custom columns in Fleet Management

As with the other grids, Fleet Management also gets customizable columns.

New widgets in the Desktop Helper

A new “Live Company Status” widget is available as the one shown in the desktop window, and in addition, the Navigation Widget receives the time until the next stop.

Weekly filter

Company and Profile stats received Weekly filter

New Public Transport Routes

Before there was only Bus Stations and Service Stations, now there will be also a Viewpoint as possible Bus Stop.

Furthermore, the automatic procedure generating routes has been fixed considering more variants and permitting to have stops far away from each other (for this reason Spanish cities were poorly served or less considered),  fixed also issues Germany Rework for Erfurt and Frankfurt.

Various bugfixes

  • Chat: users cannot send a message to theirselves anymore
  • Fixed unread message count notifications
  • Few bugfixes in multiple points to improve app stability
  • Removed clear button in Profile stats Daily filter because useless in that context

Enquire now

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.