Development Roadmap

We want to share what is currently in development and some gift we’re preparing for you.

RPC Customizations

Once the RPC has been rewritten completely, has been prepared also for a new customization experience.
You will be able to change every aspect of the RPC building it in a special customized way using a placeholder system with access to in-game Telemetry.
This will a premium Feature.

Second Monitor Experience

For whom has multiple monitors this will be a great addition: imagine having a standalone window out of the game having access to all Overlay information.
Shipped with a widgets system, draggable and resizable boxes, stackable and with options to customize them.
There will be also some new additions, like real time traffic reports and live charts about your driving KPI like fuel economy.
This feature will be enabled to everyone.
Below an example configuration from one of our testers:

Auto Lights

Tired to get kicked in TruckersMP becuase you forgot to enable the lights? No worries, with Trucky your lights will go on automatically when you start the engine.

This will be a Premium feature.

Location history

This is an old feature that has been disabled for a while because, as it was coded at the beginning, created a lot of load on servers. Soon will be rewritten completely. The main purpose of this feature is to allow the user to review their trips on the map, point by point, with a detail of the events that happened during the trip and the deliveries made.
There is no exact date yet, will be a Premium feature.

Cabin Accessories, Truck and Trailer Skin Pack

This is a gift for our Premium Users, thanks to some friendly Modders.
Cups, mugs, knobs will be available for Single Player and ready too as Local Mod for Multiplayer, naturally ETS2 and ATS.
And Skins for trucks and trailers: Scania, Mercedes and Volvo as well for Freightliner, Peterbilt and Westernstar.
Some trailer will be available too: Cistern, Curtainside and Refeer.

… More.

This roadmap will bring us, roughly, to end of April but for the Summer there is something new coming, already planned.

Are you hyped?

Follow our ambassadors and their live streams on Twitch to find out more.

What do you think about the new features? Do you have something to suggest or do you have something to report? Come to our Discord and let’s talk about it!

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Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.