New Profile pages!

Finally, the development of the new user profile on Trucky is completed!

Let’s find out about the new features and changes introduced with this version:

Detailed Statistics

A series of KPIs and graphs show in-game behavior and especially some important statistics about user performance.

In particular, some statistics are compared with the rest of the Trucky community, showing what the overall average is: for example, how many miles a user averages, what is the average travel time or the longest trip.

The statistics are now divided into Highlights (general aggregated statistics), Period Stats (statistics aggregated by period), and Per Game Stats (general aggregated statistics per game).

The same statistics have been applied to Companies, further enriching the company statistics page.

New Jobs View

The personal jobs tab reports a complete search like the one available within the VTC Hub for companies and also a graph on the miles driven day by day with an indication of the average mileage for that day. Available in both monthly and annual searches.

Personal Tags

A series of tags are automatically assigned to the profile that defines the driving and playing style:

  • Singleplayer or TruckersMP
  • Realistic or Speeder
  • Long Hauler: has completed at least one job with more than 1500 km
  • Workaholic: has an average of more than 15 jobs longer than 700 km per day
  • Cargo Type Addicted: indicates which type of cargo he/she prefers
  • Truck Lover: indicates which model he drives most in both games

The user can choose to hide some or all of the automatic tags from the profile settings.

Company Tags

Companies can assign custom tags to their members, choosing their name, color, and icon.

New Leaderboards and new Levels

The old leaderboards were based on a fairly flimsy way of calculating points; they were not based on the secure and solid data from the VTC Hub.

Now Leaderboards and Levels faithfully reflect how much they actually drive and log users.

As before, Leaderboards are divided into Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly.

What happened to the previous level? It will no longer be used.
The current user levels have been calculated since July using the same formula to assign points, 1 point = 1km.

And where have Achievements gone?

At this time, the achievements are not there yet: development is ongoing and will most likely be completed within a month.
What is the reason for this change? As with the Leaderboards, the Achievements were built at a time when the VTC Hub data was not yet present; now there is a new data domain to explore.

Future Achievements will be more varied, and better, may involve more components of delivery (country, cargo, job distance, etc), and most importantly will be managed manually by the Trucky team – human intervention makes it all more interesting 🙂 – and there will also be Community goals.

New Premium Features ♥

Enable automatic Beacon on Heavy Cargo (> 25t) or Special Transport Job
Live Text: write a text file in real-time on your hard drive to be read from tools like OBS. Works with placeholders, reading data from Telemetry.

Other Changes

Added ‘Delete Account” feature (for GDPR and self opt-out) don’t try it, it will delete your profile!
Added ‘Profile Reset’ feature: don’t try it, it will delete all your jobs!

What do you think about this announcement? Do you have something to suggest or do you have something to report? Come to our Discord and let’s talk about it!

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