Trucky Public Convoy ATS

We will be hosting our 4th Trucky Event, and we hope you and your VTC will attend our Event.

This Event will be taking place on April 10th at 5.30pm UTC (take a look on Trucky.Events for a detailed timezoned info), from Kamloops to Surrey, driving on the beautiful scenery of Promods Canada!

For more information of the Event as well as the route and Truckfest Slots, fill in your participation, please head over to the official event page on Trucky.Events.

Some of our Ambassadors will be present streaming live on Twitch!

The Event will be organized with the pricless help of Global Cargo and their Convoy Control.

We are looking forward to the event, and we hope we will see a lot of you, making this one of the biggest ATS events within TruckersMP.

Enquire now

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.